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Twin Cities Startup Week at UEL!

Twin Cities Startup Week (#TCSW18) is in full swing - and we're offering an exciting series of events on Thursday, October 11, 2018 at UEL.

12-1 pm:

Panel: What you need for a Biotech or Medtech Startup

Diane Rucker will lead the panel discussion, with Patrick Guire (ISurTec), Joe Shaw (International Life Science Enterprises) and Bo Hedlund (NDA Partners / Biomedical Frontiers) joining us to offer their expert perspectives on starting a business. Lunch and registration are complimentary for all attendees.

1:30 – 3:00 pm:

Why your Intellectual Property is your most valuable asset (with Dan Bruzzone and Jumi Kassim from Patterson Thuente)

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Please join Dan Bruzzone and Jumi Kassim from Patterson Thuente to learn why protecting your IP is so important - and how you can use it as your most valuable asset in a technology, life sciences, or healthcare startup.

3:00 – 4:00 pm:

Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream Social (with Nitro Ice Cream)

Join UEL and Nitro Ice Cream as we make Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream - and serve it to you during our TCSW Ice Cream Social! The perfect event (and location) to enjoy ice cream before heading over to MinneDemo.

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